Saturday, March 30, 2013

Teaching tool - Turn It In (comments)

2013 has seen a dramatic increase in the use of Turn It In (available through subscription at in my faculty. We have discovered it has much more potential than simply a plagiarism checker. The most significant change we have made is in a couple of our senior subjects where drafting, final submission and marking has been completely managed within Turn It In. No hard copies produced.

To enable this process in Health Education, I have developed a "Quickmark Set" of comments built on the syllabus dimensions. This enables the health teachers to annotate students drafts and responses with specific terminology from the syllabus.

If you are interested, those quickmarks are here - Once you log into Turn It In, click on the Libraries Tab, choose Quickmarks manager. On the pop up window there is a square and arrow icon in the top right corner. Click that and select import.

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